Monday, September 24, 2012

9/23/12 - Let's Go Back to Our First Visit to Prado Regional

Prado Regional Park in San Bernadino County, California is a hidden treasure. For many years, when our commute to work took us right past this park, Steven and I thought it was just a little park in a not so pretty area of 'cow country'. It was not until we started our birding activities that the name of Prado kept showing up as a birding hot spot.  With no great expectations we headed to the park one Sunday in September, 2012. 

Prado has turned out to be one of our favorite places to go, not only to spot exceptional birds, but just for the peace and beauty of the park itself. A really lovely place. Here are some photo highlights of our very first visit to Prado.

Turkey Vulture

Common Yellowthroat

Brewers Blackbird

Vermilion Flycatcher

Hutton's Vireo

Great White Egret

Common Gallinule

Nuttall's Woodpecker

Happy Birding!